(d) 828.359.6540 | (m) 828.788.3430 | terrhenr@ebci-nsn.gov
(d) 828.359.6365 | (m) 828.736.1625 | gerrgrad@ebci-nsn.gov
(d) 828.359.6424 | (m) 828.736.6664 | bjrich@ebci-nsn.gov
(d) 828.359.6544 | (m) 828.736.3627 | jacocrow@ebci-nsn.gov
(d) 828.359.6422 | (m) 828.788.1830 | hillnorv@ebci-nsn.gov
(d) 828.359.6545 | (m) 828.736.3318 | heatyoun@ebci-nsn.gov
Jonah Saunooke is an Assistant Supervisor in the Mother Town Healing Program. He started as a MTH Project participant in 2017 when the program was still a pilot project. JayBear feels he probably wouldn’t be here today if not for the MTH Project.
Mr. Saunooke has completed the NC Certified Peer Support Specialist training, Beauty for Ashes, Beauty for Ashes Elite, and has experience as a Beauty for Ashes Learning Circle Leader. In addition, he has participated in many other recovery-based programs. JayBear finds it very rewarding to watch people grow and progress in their recovery. He is proud to be a part of MTH Program because he gets to give back to the community. He credits his lived experience for helping reinforce his connection with the recovery community.
In his spare time, Mr. Saunooke enjoys hunting, fishing, spending time with family and with his 10 dogs. He can often be found in the woods looking for mushrooms. In addition to practicing these cultural activities, he enjoys learning more and teaching about them as well. JayBear is from the Birdtown Community and in 2023 marked his 6.5 years in recovery.
(d) 828.359.6541 | (m) 828.788.4703 | jonasaun@ebci-nsn.gov
Callie is an Assistant Supervisor in the Mother Town Healing Program. She started as a MTHP Participant in 2020 and served as a Peer Mentor before being promoted to her current position. Callie has completed NC Certified Peer Support Specialist training and Recovery Coach training. Callie enjoys helping others and getting to witness the transformation that comes with recovery. She loves seeing the change happening in the community, and seeing more people willing to learn, taking time to become educated about recovery, and supporting the recovery community.
In her spare time, she enjoys outdoor activities with her family, such as swimming, riding the backroads of the mountains, and watching stickball. Originally from Big Cove Community, Callie resides in Birdtown with her partner and four children. Callie is very active in the recovery community and, in 2023, marked her 4th year in recovery.
(d) 828.359.6423 | (m) 828.788.3136 | calong@ebci-nsn.gov